Advancing Mold Awareness

Awareness to mold growth in private residences, residential apartment buildings, commercial offices and facilities, medical centers, and schools has risen significantly in recent years. Factors contributing to this heightened awareness include changes in construction materials, means and methods, energy conservation measures, increased reliance on mechanical Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning systems (HVAC) for comfort control, and most notably, failure to control moisture intrusion and humidity within living and working spaces.

Concerns over mold has generated an aggressive response from government agencies and private organizations. The IICRC S520 Mold Remediation Consensus Body Standard Committee worked with the New York City Department of Health (NYCDOH), The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences () to develop the IICRC S520 Standard and Reference Guide for Professional Mold Remediation. Furthermore, New York State’s Article 32 establishes training, licensing requirements and minimum work standards for professionals engaged in mold assessment and remediation. Further, New York City passed Local Law 55 of 2018, which among other things, requires an annual investigation of rented units in multiple dwellings. A summary of Local Law 55 can be found here.